As we are an online retailer constantly searching for the best possible wholesale deals, the stock we carry for certain items may be limited. However we make it our mission to provide you with the best, most honest advice and the fastest possible delivery. If you need anything, contact us and we will try to order for you as quickly and economically as we can!
All products are available from several different brands. For the time being only part of our stock is online. For more information on any related product, contact us.
Belgian military personnel enjoys 10% discount on all Berghaus, Tasmanian Tiger, Salomon, Lowa and Helikon products.
Airsoft enthusiasts enjoy 5% discount on all Berghaus, Tasmanian Tiger, Salomon, Lowa and Helikon products.
Please include some form of ID such as:
- valid copy of ID for military or police or other government agency’s such as fire department or medical services
- proof of membership for an official certified sport club or unincorporated association (NABV pas is also allowed)